Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is Cardio Better Before Or After Resistance Training?

By Russ Howe

One of the most regularly asked questions in the fitness industry is 'Should you do cardio before or after weights for better fat loss and muscle growth?' Lots of people are lost in the subject of how to build muscle so today we'll clear up the science behind this subject for you.

It is not uncommon to hear a different answer each time you ask somebody for advice in the gym. That's because a lot of the health and fitness industry is built upon opinion rather than fact. There are many areas which haven't yet been scientifically researched enough and, until recently, this was one of those areas.

Thankfully, several high profile studies have now been carried out and confirmed the answer to this common gym query.
The video today will explain whether you should do cardio before or after weights in the gym.

Contrary to mainstream opinion, you should be performing your cardiovascular workout prior to hitting the weights if you want to get the most out of the gym. This will surprise a few people out there, because one of the most common mistakes is to presume that you'd exhaust the muscles if you did your aerobic activity first.

Despite the old theory that you'll exhaust your muscles if you do aerobic work before resistance training, science proves that the opposite is true. Test subjects experienced better weight loss and muscular hypertrophy when they did aerobic work first.

What about HIIT? The same results applied here too.

This happens because of the release of two enzymes in the body during physical exercise. They are known as AMPK and mTOR. AMPK is the body's call to action to help you adjust to aerobic activity.

When you finish a resistance workout, however, the body responds by increasing the release of an enzyme known as mTOR. This turns on the recovery process and helps you to build more lean muscle. The 2 enzymes don't work together well. In fact, having AMPK in your system will switch off the release of mTOR. So, by staying on a treadmill after your finish your weight training you'll significantly turn down your release of mTOR.

Once the body releases mTOR you enter the golden window for post-workout nutrition. This peaks at one hour in length, although mTOR levels stay increased for up to 6 hours in total. To get the most from this period, simply avoid releasing any AMPK during this time.

If you are one of the many people who like to perform two separate sessions in order to keep resistance training and aerobic workouts away from each other, that last piece of information will stand out as particularly groundbreaking. By separating your sessions with a six hour period you'll allow yourself to get the absolute full benefits from mTOR release before you blast fat with your HIIT session or aerobic workout.

When you are trying to lean how to build muscle in the gym, you'll encounter many areas which are shrouded in mystery and doubt, often coming down to little more than personal opinion. Thanks to ongoing scientific research, however, the question 'Should you do cardio before or after weights?' is no longer something which falls into this category.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Let's Look At Some Treadmills

By Alyssa Wright

The Need For Exercise

With the modern world placing a premium on ease and convenience, bodily well-being has been put in danger. With fat and cholesterol levels rising and immunity and stamina levels diminishing, exercise is becoming more important than ever. A simple plan to have a consistent workout routine is to have a treadmill in your home. Start looking at some treadmill merchant websites for several fitness ideas.

Advantages Of Treadmills

What sets the treadmill apart from other machines is its simplicity of use-simply hop on it, and you're set. The treadmill focuses primarily on cardiovascular workouts compared to other machines, and these help in reducing your calorie count. Depending on your objective, there is a treadmill program for you whether you want to build some muscle or just increase your endurance. It is the best gym equipment for fat people, athletes and those who want to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Common Treadmill Features

All treadmills come with a speed-adjustment feature. There are many other standard features that vary your workout routines to help enhance fitness levels and reach your weight loss goals. Manufacturers create these treadmill variations to make your workout routine more challenging and unique every day.

To make your workouts easier and fuss-free, modern treadmills come with pre-planned workout schemes. There's a program for weight reduction or endurance strengthening, which you can select before you begin exercising. No need to think about changing your speed and incline while you exercise given that the machine does the modifications itself. Whether you want the increase to be gradual or set to a particular plan is under your control.

Some workouts are intended to control heart rate jointly with a heart rate monitor. This monitor needs to be clipped to your body or held in your hand. Strapping your monitor on is more easy though, hence this is what the latest treadmills come with. This means that, it can track your cardiovascular fitness level and the intensity of your exercise routine.

To save time, you can save your chosen workout settings in your treadmill so you don't have to punch them in every time you exercise. If other people are using the treadmill as well, you are certain to love this feature. Some treadmills also save your workout history; you can track your fitness progress over time and boost your previous performances.

One high-tech feature that makes treadmills great workout venues is the iFit Live. For example, athletes can train at home for a marathon being held in another city. The iFit Live means that you can "compete" with other individuals who are as well on the same training course as yours. Any treadmill that has Internet connectivity and is compatible with the iFit Live technology can run this convenient feature. Manufacturers fully understand mixing exercise with entertainment, so they added full-color touch screens and music-playing capabilities on their treadmills to fulfill this requirement.

Components Of A Treadmill

The treadmill is primarily composed of an electrically operated conveyor belt. Because the belt is made to move backward, you need to move in a forward motion and coordinate its pace so you stay on it. The conveyor belt helps your weight by letting it flow over the treadmill. You may modify the deck's position as needed. This increases your workout's level of intensity and adds variety.

Damping elements are put under the deck to help in shock absorption. A padded belt decreases the jarring impact on your feet while in motion; the tension in the cushioning can be adjusted for your ease and comfort and resistance requirement. It's safe to say the motor, belt, deck, and rollers are every treadmill's body, heart, and soul.

Treadmill frames are made foldable or non-foldable. Choose the foldable units if you'll be working out at home. Since the deck can be folded up, even a small area will do. These sturdy, compact units often come with a heftier price tag than other models. The non-foldable models are ideal for public use, for example training studios, since they can cope with more consistent usage.

The Kinds Of Treadmills

Apart from the number of features, there are treadmills designed for different user types and usage. Get your full money's worth by going for the treadmill that meets your own purpose and health goal. Consider the weight and body built of the person who will workout on the treadmill frequently. Bring your height into play too when picking among the treadmill models. Will the treadmill be used by one person only, or will it be a family affair? You're more well off obtaining a treadmill that can withstand daily stress; it lasts for a longer time and is more pocket friendly in the end.

Bottom line

Simply no home gym is ever complete without getting a treadmill. Before rushing to make a purchase, give consideration to your health, fitness and durability needs, and also the features that you'll use often. Often-overlooked factors include the place at home and the types of treadmill users. Buy the treadmill that matches all these requirements and agrees with your budget.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Pro Circle Ab Can Help You Get That Great Body!

By Ray Hauser

The Pro Circle Ab or Ab Circle Pro is a wonderful innovation in exercise equipment because it concentrates on critical areas of the body that need the most effort while working out. It not only gives a great workout to your abdominals, it also focuses on the thigh area and gluteal muscles, so that they become more robust and fit.

Are you unhappy with your hips? Don't worry because the Pro Circle Ab has been engineered to flex the entire hip area. The fluid side-to-side motion guarantees that all important muscle groups are constantly moving and being worked thoroughly for an effective burn.

Using the Ab Circle Pro not only tones four important muscle groups at the same time, it also dramatically improves your circulatory system as well. You get an intense, but enjoyable workout in both cardio and muscle areas.

You cannot underestimate the importance of a thorough cardiovascular workout. If your circulatory system isn't healthy or operating inefficiently, you are prone to a series of dangerous health conditions like high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and so on.

The efficiency of your circulatory system will steadily improve as you exercise over time. Better results might not be readily apparent until you've been at it for a while. The same is true for weight loss. You don't start to lose weight after a week of using the Ab Circle Pro. The body doesn't function that way. It takes time and dedication.

You need to give it time to reconfigure itself, so that you can lose weight. Weight that is lost slowly and steadily over a period of time, will have a much tougher time coming back because you gave your body what it needed to make permanent and positive changes.

If you want to make changes and are willing to commit to the work and lifestyle changes that are needed to turn you life around through regular workout, then the Ab Circle Pro is the right piece of equipment for you. This exercise machine is made from the best quality steel available and is unlike any other similar piece of equipment on the market. It was designed and developed to provide you with a comfortable yet thorough workout.

Cheap, poorly made imitations of the Ab Circle Pro have occasionally appeared on the market. The genuine machine is manufactured by the best factories in the world and put through rigorous quality testing to guarantee that it will last for years without repairs or replacements.

It's important to take note that the genuine Ab Circle Pro has been officially certified based on international standards. Each and every aspect of this astounding machine has been engineered to prevent injury during its use. Cheap imitations often use poor quality materials and bad designs. Just a single misplaced or faulty part can cause severe injury during operation.

These problems are virtually unheard of with the genuine Ab Circle Pro because so much engineering research when into its initial development. So, before you go out and buy a cheap imitation of this remarkable machine, ask yourself if it really measures up to the safety, quality and benefits of the true Ab Circle Pro exercise machine.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Learn How To Naturally Alleviate Low Back Pain With An Atwood KS Back Stretcher

By Princess Smith

Back pain is currently quite common among people of every age and walk of life. In many ways, this is caused by the increased reliance upon technical gadgets and the fact that most people have incorrect posture when using these things. Choosing to use an Atwood KS back stretcher, however, enables many people to successfully address the many spinal alignment issues and much of the discomfort that has arisen as a result of their life habits.

Choosing to consult with a conventional medical doctor about discomfort in this area of the body is not the most proactive way to find a lasting solution. More often than not, these professionals do not check the spine for subluxations or misaligned areas. More importantly, they often lack effective strategies for correcting misaligned areas even when they are noted in examinations.

In fact, many doctors resort to prescribing pain medications. These drugs often fail to do more than simply address symptoms and they can also have a range of uncomfortable side effects. Not only will people have discomfort to contend with, but they can also start experiencing constipation, headaches, numbness and other problems. There are many side effects that can be worse than the actual problems that medicines are prescribed to address.

With the right stretching device, however, people can begin improving their spinal alignment. These tools can even relieve much of the excess strain that has been placed on muscle groups as the result of subluxations. The relief can be considerable.

Some individuals find these devices a lot less intimidating than the prospect of receiving manual adjustments for correcting subluxations. Only gravity and bit of tension are required in order for these contraptions to start producing results. People can notice some fairly significant changes with every use.

An Atwood KS back stretcher could help you to gain long-term relief from your pain. Instead of using pain medicines to merely dull the pain that you are feeling, you can tackle the real problem head on. The results can be improved health and mobility and much more comfort from day to day.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Learn How To Alleviate Pain With Best Sciatic Stretches Using An Atwood KS Back Stretcher

By Princess Smith

The longest nerve in the human body is the sciatic. This nerve stretches from the lower spine through the hips and pelvis the entire length of one's leg. Normally, it transmits messages between the brain and leg. However, if it is pinched, it can cause any number of problems. An Atwood KS back stretcher helps sciatica suffers to alleviate the pain with noninvasive techniques they do themselves.

Spinal discs can become compressed through many normal activities of the day. As a person goes throughout his day, he may lose up to one half inch in height due to compression of discs. Under normal conditions, the height is then regained each night while the person sleeps. However, disc wear and tear causes individuals to lose height that requires discs to be stretched.

Compressed discs do not get the necessary fluids and nutrients for healing. The dehydration often leads to degenerative disc disease. Stretching one's spine helps these fluids and nutrients to be drawn into the disc so that healing occurs.

Compressed discs can lead to pain in many parts of the body. When the compression affects the sciatic nerve, the pain can affect the hip, leg and even the foot. In addition to pain, the sufferer may experience numbness, tingling and even loss of use of the affected limb.

With this device, users apply gentle stretching pressure to the spine in the comfort of their own home. They are in control of the exact amount of pressure applied to elongate the discs to a normal shape. The pressure relief from the nerves allow natural healing to occur.

An Atwood KS back stretcher provides natural relief for the pain one experiences with sciatica. This device can address the underlying problem and may reduce dependence on pain medication. As pressure is relieved, the natural healing process of the body takes over and pain is reduced.

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